(English follows)
C’est dans l’environnement enchanteur du Village des Écluses de Pointe-des-Cascades qu’avait lieu le lancement officiel de la Route des Arts de Vaudreuil-Soulanges (RAVS). Les organisateurs et les artistes participants à la Route recevaient élus provinciaux et municipaux, partenaires et commanditaires ainsi que les médias pour souligner la première édition de l’événement et remercier tous ceux et celles qui ont contribué à mettre sur pied cet événement d’envergure pour la région.
Les artistes sont prêts et ont hâte de vous accueillir dans leurs ateliers la fin de semaine du 24 et 25 septembre prochain de 10h à 16h. Vous pouvez planifier votre parcours en consultant la carte interactive qui vous guidera vers ces ateliers. Vous découvrirez la qualité et la diversité des créations des artistes de chez nous et vous constaterez la beauté de notre territoire.
Ces artistes constituent le reflet culturel de notre région et nous pouvons les remercier de s’être engagés à nous en mettre plein la vue pendant cette fin-de-semaine de découvertes.
Un événement pour la région de Vaudreuil-Soulanges qui ne serait pas possible sans le travail d’une équipe qui a mis sur pied les assises de cette activité culturelle. En constituant l’OSBL et sa structure, en planifiant l’appel de candidature et le processus de sélection, en établissant des partenariats et obtenant des commandites sans lesquelles l’événement ne serait pas possible.
Les partenaires étaient au rendez-vous en commençant avec le CACVS qui nous a fourni renseignements et conseils pour nous aider à démarrer et nous implanter. Grâce à leur programme d’innovation culturelle et numérique (PICN) nous avons pu fournir à l’événement une identité et une signalisation.
De plus, le CACVS a octroyé aux artistes et artisans une subvention équivalente à 50% des frais de participation pour les aider financièrement à participer à l’événement.
Développement économique Vaudreuil-Soulanges (DEV) est un organisme régional qui nous a épaulé lors de la constitution de l’OBNL, l’aide qu’ils fournissent aux entreprises de la région est bénéfique pour l’activité économique et touristique.
Leur aide financière et professionnelle nous permettra de nous ancrer et de fournir une offre culturelle structurante et pérenne pour la région. Cette aide nous aidera à structurer l’offre pour permettre aux artistes et artisans d’avoir cette vitrine et d’autres en devenir, pour les aider à continuer à pratiquer leur art. On oublie souvent que ces artistes et artisans sont des travailleurs autonomes qui contribuent à l’apport économique de la région et ils la font rayonner au-delà de nos frontières de part leur originalité et leur talent.
The organization of the Arts Tour of Vaudreuil-Soulanges held its launch on the premises of the enchanting Village des Écluses in Pointe-des-Cascades. Artists, artisans, elected officials of the municipal and provincial governments, sponsors and the press were greeted to find out more about this important cultural event for the region. The celebration also served to thank everyone who made this event possible.
Artists and artisans are ready and are anxious to welcome you in their studio during the weekend of September 24 and 25 from 10 :00am to 4 :00 pm.
You may plan your Arts Tour by consulting the interactive map which will guide you to the various studios. You will be amazed by the diversity and quality of the artwork from local artists and artisans you will discover as well as the beauty of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges region.
These artists constitute the richness of our regional cultural print and we can thank them for their commitment which will make this weekend of studio visits an experience we will not forget.
This regional event would not have been possible without a dedicated team who has worked to build the foundation of this cultural organization. It started out with the creation of a not-for-profit organization, the call for artists, the selection process, the establishment of relationships with other regional organizations and securing funding which made it possible.
The assistance of major regional organizations such as the CACVS which provided information, help and funding enabled us to complete the start up and the implementation of the RAVS. The grant given through the Programme d’innovation culturelle et numérique (PICN) made it possible for us to develop our image and acquire signage which we will use now and in future editions.
The CACVS has also funded artists and artisans the equivalent of 50% of the participation fee.
The développement économique of Vaudreuil-Soulanges (DEV) is a regional development agent in the community, the team at Développement (DEV) Vaudreuil-Soulanges provided professional services free of charge to assist us in our startup and planning for future edition. This assistance is beneficial for economic and tourism development in the region.
They have also provided funds which made it possible to implement the pilars of the event and offer structured cultural activities this year and for many years to come. Their assistance will help us position ourselves to continue to provide perenne events providing artists and artisans of the region a solution to showcase their artwork and performances. We often forget that these artists and artisans are self-employed workers that contribute to the economic activity of the region. They also bring notoriety to our region by the originality of their work and their talent.
The caisse Desjardins de Vaudreuil-Soulanges has become an important ally in sponsoring our event.
The Mouvement Desjardins takes part in the organization of cultural events to get young people involved in artistic activities, to groom new and upcoming artists and to promote creativity.
Through their investments in sponsorships and philanthropy, they are committed to giving young people the means to achieve their goals so they can reach their potential and fulfill their dreams.
Promutuel Insurance Horizon Ouest, has also sponsored our event through their ‘At the heart of our community’ program.. This program enables the people of Vaudreuil-Soulanges to become partners in inspiring projects that contribute to their community’s well-being.
Driven by the spirit of mutual support and collaboration, the mutual insurance association continues to stand out for the distinctive, local services they have been providing their insured members for years. Their mutualist values still guide the actions they take to secure the organization’s future and pursue their social mission in the communities they serve.
Government assistance
The provincial government has also provided funds through their ‘Assistance to volunteer work program’. The two MNA’s of Vaudreuil and Soulanges districts helped financially and the funds served to the start-up costs. Thank you to Marilyne Picard,
Soulanges MNA who honoured us with her presence during the launch event and shared with us during a speech, her love and interest in the arts.
Marie-Claude Nichols MNA for Vaudreuil also funded our organization and the funds served in the start-up costs.

Thank you!
A last newsletter will be sent before our major event in which we will share tips and tricks on organizing your arts tour.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in our studios.