James Parry
Aristic field : Visual arts
Inspired by nature, and often with my garden as a studio, I use pen and ink exclusively.
Ce brillant journaliste aux multiples trophées, James Parry a toujours eu la fibre artistique, créant dans ses loisirs de splendides émaux sur cuivre et une remarquable fresque reflétant un mémorable voyage en Afrique du Sud. Plus tard, il s’est mis au fusain. Ceci est une de ses œuvres. Elle reflète la beauté de la nature qui nous entoure, avec une touche d’humour bien britannique. Il vit dans le pittoresque village de Hudson, non loin d’ici, et vous invite à découvrir d’autres de ses créations dans son atelier, les 21 et 22 septembre 2024 de 10h à 16h30.
Life-long journalist and writer for both national and local newspapers including the former Hudson Gazette and The Journal as well as magazines in both the U.K. and Canada, passionate gardener, and worldwide traveller, Hudsonite James Parry through his Parry’s Pictorials has created a unique pen and ink kaleidoscopic view of the wonder and magic of nature that surrounds us. Including beautiful butterflies, crazy critters, fabulous flowers, funny fish, and fantastic fauna.
Parry’s Pen Pictorials*
A view of an object (actual or imagined) as it would be seen by an observer who looks at the object either in a chosen direction or from a selected point of view.
James Parry can be reached at (450) 458-7154
or by email at creation@videotron.ca