Domaine artistique : Artiste-peintre

Marie José Gélinas est autodidacte. Toujours curieuse, elle observe et interprète le monde qui l’entoure. Chroniqueuse depuis toujours, elle garde un journal quotidien.

Marie José est avant tout une artiste paysagiste. À ses débuts, elle peignait à l’huile les endroits qui l’inspiraient.

Éventuellement, elle s’est rendue compte que son inspiration provenait de sa connexion au paysage.

La nature qui l’entoure nourrit son sentiment d’appartenance. Où qu’elle soit, elle retrouve le fil qui la lie à son monde intérieur.

Artistic field : Painter

Marie José Gélinas is a self-taught artist. As an intensely curious person, she has always observed and interpreted the world around her. A lifelong diarist, she is a dedicated writer.

Marie José is primarily a painter of landscapes. Early on, she painted impressionistic oil paintings, inspired by places that were meaningful to her.

Over time, she realized that her source was the feeling she got when she was in the landscape.

Being in nature restores her sense of belonging in this place, at this time. No matter where she is in the natural world, she can find that thread to her inner landscape.